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Reading Books During Lockdown

Throughout this lockdown period we want to ensure that reading continues to be a top priority for all of our pupils at Smith’s Wood Primary Academy. For pupils in school, reading will continue as normal. For pupils at home, we have put measures into place to ensure they continue to develop their reading fluency and comprehension skills.

As I am sure you are all aware, all pupils across school are already being offered a live Zoom lesson for guided reading/phonics daily. Please get in touch with us if you need support to access this provision.

In addition to this, as of Monday 11th January we want to give pupils who are at home the chance to swap their home reading book once a week. In order to do this, parents must email the school before 3pm on Monday to request a new book for that week. Please email and state your child’s name, class and explain that you wish to request a new reading book. We will then find a suitable book for your child and give it to the office for collection on Wednesday. Please return the old book to school on a Wednesday and collect your child’s new book. We ask that you send a new request each Monday so that we know which books to get ready.