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More than a school

Year 6 Awards

Today has been a wonderful and memorable day for Year 6, on their last day at Smith's Wood we like to celebrate all their achievements to date. We are beyond proud of our Year 6 cohort. The class of 2022 have gone above and beyond in all areas. Their perseverance through all that life has thrown at them in recent years is testament to their upbringing and attitude towards the school they have called home for the past 8 years. We wish them well on the next stage of their journey and look forwards to hearing of their successes in the years to come! 

From Mr Taylor, Miss Owen, Mr Mills, Mrs Winters, Miss Rea, Mrs Thornton and all the staff here at Smith's Wood Primary academy.

Below are our Year 6 awards winners as well as the spectacular awards they have won!

Seanna - Rocker of the Year award

Iman - The Golden Egg Award

Nouria - Diamond Personaility Award

Megan - All Round Excellence Award

Kiara - The Turner Prize for Attendance

Kyle - Outstanding Effort Award

Brooke - Outstanding Musician Award

Bobby - Sporting Achievement Award

Owen - Outstanding Academic Award

Jaxon - House Point Winner