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More than a school


Smith`s Wood Primary Academy fully recognises the contribution it can make to protect children and support pupils in school.  We aim to safeguard and promote our pupils’ welfare, safety and health by fostering an honest, open, caring and supportive climate.  The pupils’ welfare is of paramount importance.

Our school Child Protection policy (based on Local Authority guidance) outlines the procedures followed in school to safeguard children. A copy of this document is available on request and can also be accessed via the school website.

All members of staff have undergone DBS and List 99 checks and are trained regularly in Child Protection issues. We also ensure that any volunteers working with children undergo the vetting procedures outlined above.

The designated safeguarding lead (DSL) is Miss Givens.

If Miss Givens is not available, concerns can be discussed with Mrs Kirk or Mr Hobbis.

Staff at the school work in partnership with other agencies such as the health authority, social services and the police.

There may be occasions when we have to consult other agencies before we contact you. The procedures that we have to follow have been laid down in accordance with the local authority Child protection procedures.

At the start of the school year, parents and carers will be issued with an Acceptable Use policy. This policy details how the school may use digital images within school. Parents are invited to state clearly if they do not wish their child to feature in publicity materials.

In line with DCSF guidance, the school may decide whether or not to permit the photography of school events. We believe that it is appropriate for parents and carers to record assemblies, performances etc.

  • Parents and carers will be allowed to record images in a designated area, usually at the back of the hall.
  • Parents will be informed that photography is strictly for personal use only.
  • Parents are requested not to restrict the view of other people.
  • The school will ensure that children are dressed appropriately
  • The school will monitor the use of cameras and anyone behaving inappropriately

Safety and security

Smith`s Wood Primary Academy benefits from a very secure site. We are surrounded by a security fence, have full CCTV facilities and restricted access via remote controlled gates.

Parents and carers can help maintain high standards of security by only entering the premises via the main entrance, during the school day.